A Democrat’s Guide to PROJECT 2025
(completed pages have green titles)
(magenta titles indicate pages In Development,
they will be published as they are completed)
Table of Contents
- Introduction:
- Profound Threats to Americans
- These Threats are not Hypothetical
- To Combat Them, We Need to Understand Them
- Credits
- Project 2025 Snapshot
- What is Project 2025?
- 2025 Presidential Transition Project
“Mandate for Leadership”, a policy manual
- Presidential Personnel Database
- Presidential Administration Academy
- 180-Day Playbook
Wages, Workplace & Economy Cuts #
(Cut Wages, Create Unsafe Workplaces, and Destabilize Our Economy)
Stop people from earning overtime pay
Cut funding for local job-creating programs.
Manipulate data that businesses rely on to keep our economy functioning.
- Weaken Child Labor Protections
- Harder to Make Ends Meet #
(Make It Harder for Americans to Make Ends Meet)
- Restrict access to food assistance.
- Eliminate the Head Start program.
- Limit which disabilities qualify veterans for benefits.
- Remove safety nets for farmers.
- Eliminate funding for key public transportation projects.
- Reproductive Rights & Health Care #
(Restrict Reproductive Rights & Access to Health Care)
- Keep the cost of lifesaving medication too high.
- End medication abortion use, or make it difficult to access.
- Push people towards private Medicare plans that worsen health outcomes.
Make it easier for extremists to access personal information about patients’ reproductive care.
- Enable Discrimination #
(Enable Discrimination Across Society)
- Embolden racial discrimination in everything
- Make it harder for under-resourced communities to access Medicaid, Head Start, and other government programs.
- Undermine gender equity and allow more discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth
- Put communities at increased risk.that suffer pollution and other environmental harm.
- Polluters Win vs. Climate #
(Set Polluters Loose and Undo Climate Action)
- Make our air dirtier and worsen climate change..
- Cut off weather, ocean, and climate data by disbanding NOAA.
- Transfer environmental funding away from mission-based entities to state regulators who, in many cases, do not support sustainable policies.
- Expand offshore oil and natural gas drilling on public lands and waters.
- UNapealing Education #
(Make Education Unaffordable & Unwelcoming)
- Cut federal loan programs that help parents of college students, graduate students, and immigrants afford higher education.
- Make public schools even more dangerous for LGBTQ+ students.
- Push ideology onto funding for international business programs.
- Make it easier for charter schools to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students.
- Fail to Deliver to the People #
- Replace non-partisan federal employees with partisan loyalists.
- Force career experts out of government by relocating federal agencies.
- Administer ideologically biased or discriminatory tests for federal workers.
# Denotes content extracted from reference [1], “The People’s Guide to Project 2025”