Editor is Back On-the-Job

Cough Pain Suppressor

I am back as Editor of website with “three beautiful bypasses” according to my heart surgeon. A few people told me they were “surprised” to hear I was in the hospital. No one was more surprised than I was. 

I’m out of the hospital now, at home, and recovering nicely. Although I am on the job, it is not yet full time. I expect Cardiovascular Rehab will consume much of my time for several weeks. I am looking for some helpers to enter content and route reader comments. Are YOU one? Let me know by using the CONTACT button on the home page.

For those that like the details, here is what happened. At about 4:00 AM Monday Feb 3rd, I thought I was having an indigestion attack, but it was like nothing I ever had before and there was a slight tingling in my left fingers. The tingling convinced me to dial 911. In ER, they read my EKG and immediately arranged for transport to St Mary’s. At the hospital, I was wheeled from the ambulance directly into the operating room. The staff was waiting expecting to install stints but found excessive blockage. Arrangements were made that day for heart surgery at St Vincents. It took place Feb 5th. 

I was 3 days in ICU, 1 day in intermediate care and 10 days in Rehab; all at St Vincents. I came back home on Feb 19th. Soon after I began in-home Occupational and Physical Rehab. So far that has been mostly evaluation. My recovery has advanced far enough that I will soon transfer to Cardiovascular Rehab at the local hospital. 

I am a most fortunate fellow.

Ron Maclean


P. S. In the interest of full disclosure, you might correctly ask “what about Jan and Dec and part of Nov?”. My answer is I fell of my horse and couldn’t bring myself to climb back on. To be more precise, I was thrown off my horse and significantly bruised. I am back on the horse and getting settled in the saddle. RM

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