UNapealing Education
Project 2025 proposals will:

Make Education Unaffordable & Unwelcoming

Our public schools are foundational to our democracy. When special interests undermine public schools, they undermine the ability of students from all backgrounds to learn, feel safe in their community, and develop skills and knowledge that enable students to thrive. If Project 2025 has their way, our public schools could be stripped of funding, protections for students, and high-quality curricula.

Below is “How They’d Do It.” (Click a topic for the details)

Project 2025 would roll back federal student loan programs that are critical to ensuring higher education is not reserved for only the wealthy and well-connected.
As the cost of higher education soars in the country, accessible and stable student loans are a critical way to ensure that people from all backgrounds can access higher education.
They would also deny loan access to students at schools that provide in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants. That means students in 25 states and Washington D.C. will not be able to access student loans.
From “Mandate for Leadership” p. 167 & 354
Project 2025 would have the Secretary of Education remove a host of protections for LGBTQ+ students in schools.
Public schools are already dangerous for LGBTQ+ students across the nation, especially LGBTQ+ students of color. Project 2025 would make matters even worse by directing a future Secretary of Education to rescind the Biden administration’s expanded Title IX protections for LGBTQ+ students, and reinstate the regressive rules previously imposed by the Trump administration. Project 2025 emphasizes that any definition of ‘sex’ under Title IX should mean only biological sex assigned at birth.
“Mandate for Leadership” p. 333-334
Project 2025 wants to dictate what students learn in higher education by disproportionately funding programs that push an ideological agenda that they agree with.
In trying to dictate what people can and cannot learn, the special interest authors behind Project 2025 want to direct funding to international business programs that teach their preferred subjects, with t nearly half (at minimum) of Department of Education funding going to these programs. These programs are geared towards providing students a better understanding of markets across the world, in all different forms.
From “Mandate for Leadership” p. 356
Project 2025 would loosen data collection requirements for charter schools, undoing recent progress made by the Biden administration which has ensured that data collection better includes transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming students.
Data collection that better includes people across gender identities and sexual orientations is important for ensuring LGBTQ+ students’ civil rights are protected.
During the Biden administration, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has required all charter schools to enhance the accuracy of student demographic data collection by requiring that schools provide “nonbinary” as an option for self-selection.
Additionally, in 2021 OCR instructed charter schools to retire collection of data that presents purely binary depictions of the composition of school sports teams — meaning that data demographics of these teams were relegated to strictly male and female — at the exclusion of nonbinary and gender nonconforming students.
Project 2025 would advise the Department of Education to rescind these changes and issue a new Civil Rights Data Collection instructive that “will collect data directly relevant to OCR’s [authority].” In other words, that would mean only the data that Project 2025’s authors think are valid — which excludes LGBTQ+ students. Without this data, it will be harder to know where LGBTQ+ students are experiencing discrimination, allowing it to fester and harm people across the country.
IN THEIR OWN WORDS: “The new Administration must quickly move to rescind these changes, which add a new “nonbinary” sex category to OCR’S data collection and issue a new CRDC that will collect data directly relevant to OCR’s statutory enforcement authority.” – – – – – – – – TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM “Mandate for Leadership” p. 332
It is STILL STREAMING as of Dec 10th. Every Democrat should watch it. - - - The film represents THE Trump Story — the story of how we, as a country, arrived at a time that could allow this man to be President. You can VIEW IT on
A letter from DPDC Chair Kris Sadur invites all members of the Democratic Party of Door County to attend a rescheduled Annual Meeting via ZOOM. A date and location for the other half of the storm cancelled Event, the Volunteer Recognition Dinner, have not yet been set. It
In the body of this Event post, is the slate of nominations for Officers of the 2025 Executive Board (Click the headline above to view the slate). Additional nominations can be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting which will be held as a ZOOM meeting starting
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