newltr hdr


Listening Sessions in every state– red, blue, purple to figure out why our November 2024 message did not resonate with key voters and groups, and what we must do to regain the trust of those voters.

Court cases challenging every move of the Republican coup attempt– some are filed on behalf of affected workers, some for groups of unions or states, and some on behalf of the Democratic National Committee.

Support for groups of workers fired without recourse/ appeal– imagine doing your job one day and you receive, without warning, a termination notice. And, not just you, but everyone in your whole office.  Who do you turn to? Many have turned to Democratic legislators, representatives, and offices.  Same story for those working on governmental contracts including farmers and educators.


Organizing to elect Judge Susan Crawford to the State Supreme Court– (more to follow) Elon Musk has poured $1,000,000+ into the April 1 race which is shaping up as the first test of the Republican agenda in Wisconsin and the nation.

Collecting stories of Wisconsinites impacted by the random cuts in federal contracts and obligations– this is happening locally as well. Most people have no idea how deeply the cuts affect every person in the state. If not you, certainly your neighbor or family member.  The impact on veteran’s services alone will be catastrophic.

Locally/ in Door County:

Working to elect Judge Susan Crawford and Superintendent Jill Underly- the DP-DC has people going out canvassing every Saturday and Sunday 12:00 and 3:00. We are focusing on making sure everyone knows about the April 1 election and the importance of electing Judge Crawford and Superintendent Jill Underly, and defeating the proposed Constitutional Amendment on voting rights. (continued next page)








Your Board of Directors:

Kris Sadur, Chair

Carol Jensen-Olson, Vice Chair 

Allin Walker, Treasurer

Heidi Ling, Co- Secretary

Joan Korb, Co-Secretary

Diane Slivka

Dave Kellems

Maria Martinez

Nancy Kidd

Dave Wolowitz

Cari Wild

John Larson

Isabella Dereszkiewicz-Hodowany,                                          Youth Outreach 





People willing to go door-to-door to ensure that their Democratic neighbors vote will be going out in shifts Saturdays and Sundays through-out March for the April 1 Supreme Court and State Superintendent races. Also, we are asking people to vote NO on the Referendum issue. We feel it is unnecessary and a step toward voter repression.

Training is available and you can choose where you go to canvass. Shifts are at 12:00, and 3:00 each Saturday and Sunday. Just come to the office and we will get you set-up to turn out the vote.

Newsletter Editor:

Allin Walker

— End of Page 1 —


What are the Democrats doing? (continued)

Collecting stories of Wisconsinites impacted by the random cuts in federal contracts and obligations- The Door County Democratic Party is seeking first person accounts about how the new Republican economy and Musk/DOGE program slashes are already impacting Door County families. These include veterans, farmers, SNAP recipients, Medicaid recipients, child care providers, government employees, USAID or Peace Corp staff, environment activists, etc. Please send name, phone and email contact information and a two sentence description to DP-DC, P.O. Box 863, Sturgeon Bay, 54235. All contacts kept confidential.

Writing Postcards, Calling Legislators and Doing Acts of Resistance

We are working with Indivisible to send out 9,000 Postcards to people we need to encourage to vote. We are organizing people to call their legislators using the 5 Calls system. We are planning rallies and days of action.

DID YOU KNOW: 70 House Republicans plan to introduce a bill to ban abortions nationally without exceptions. 


What’s Next?

After the April 1 elections DP-DC will continue our membership drive and building the party. We currently are in the top 12 County Party memberships in the State. It is a bit confusing as we have raised our dues and consolidated all emberships to expire in May, but please renew your membership so you can keep abreast of what is going on. Watch for more news about the Annual Picnic in Sturgeon Bay and Town Halls sponsored in conjunction with Indivisible.

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