Click on a Topic to see the Democratic Party position

We call on our government to be a cooperative and effective leader, a partner in the pursuit of global accords to improve the human condition and protect the environment. We encourage international efforts to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, discrimination, war, genocide, torture, genital mutilation, human slavery and trafficking, capital punishment, pollution, and climate change.

We oppose trade and immigration policies that undermine our economy, harm working people in our country and elsewhere, and harm the environment. We oppose unfettered international arms trade, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, land mines, radioactive materials in conventional munitions, ballistic missile defense systems, cluster bombs, militarization of space, and American‐run or funded internment camps.

We support refugees. We support the rights of people to seek a better life in America. Those rights extend to those fleeing the effects of climate change.

We support restoring America’s commitment to the global community. 

We stand for human rights, social and economic justice, the rule of law, and popularly adopted democratic government worldwide. Our leaders and policies must honor international law and honor and promote international agreements that provide groundwork for a just, prosperous, environmentally healthy, and peaceful world. Our United Nations dues must be fully paid.

We support a military sufficiently strong to safeguard national security. We must provide for the health and well‐being of members of the military during and after their service. We support efforts to eliminate the use of National Guard troops in undeclared wars.

Our military budget is disproportionately large compared to other nations. It should be reduced. We should curtail the influence of the “Military Industrial Complex.” Greater emphasis should be placed on economic development and diplomacy to achieve global security.

War is always a last resort. We must address grievances that foster terrorism, not fight wars that perpetuate them. We must abide by the Geneva Conventions.

We oppose preemptive war, including the use of drone strikes, without verified direct threat to our country.


We advocate for comprehensive immigration reform legislation providing a reasonable legal path to residency and citizenship. The legislation must include a fair opportunity for current undocumented residents to achieve legal status.

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