the NEW Buzz in Northeast Wisconsin

Exciting things happened in Northeast Wisconsin this month

Those exiting things bode well for women, and for democracy, in Wisconsin and our nation.
If you haven’t already, please join the
  • Democratic Party of Door County,
  • Democratic Party of Brown County,
  • Democratic Party of Kewaunee County and
  • Indivisible Door County on Facebook to ramp up for the November 5 Election.

I believe in the Power of One to influence positive change so I have taken the liberty of including you in this informational email.  I believe that “Each one CAN reach one“, so I am relying on you to inform AT LEAST one more individual about the positive news.

Door County’s first female Circuit Court Judge

Tuesday, April 2:  Jennifer A. Moeller won that honor  with 6,309 votes versus the 3,684 votes of her opponent, Brett Reetz, who spoke disparagingly in his blog posts online about a wide range of topics and people including, his clients, women, liberals, gays in the military and government.  Judge Jennifer will take office this coming August.

Fair Maps give “Fighting Chance for new Dem Candidates for Both AD 1 and 8th CD.

On Thursday, April 4:  Renee Paplham, Wisconsin State Assembly District 1, and Dr. Kristin Lyerly, 8th U.S. Congressional District,  TOGETHER announced their visions for Wisconsin and the nation at the Peach Barn in Sister Bay, Wisconsin. They challenged current lawmakers, who aren’t “showing an interest in solving problems”  to “put politics aside and get to work” (Paplham, April 4).
Both women were called to action when three newly elected Supreme Court Justices overturned fifty years of reproductive rights protection under Roe v. Wade  in the Dobbs decision. Due to the new Fair Maps in Wisconsin, Democratic candidates will have a “fair, fighting chance” to take back elected positions “for the first time in 13 years”.
Kristin Lyerly is running for Mike Gallagher’s soon to be vacated Congressional seat in a “republican stronghold, for nearly 80 years”, but said,  “It doesn’t look like it’s winnable if you just look at the numbers, but if you live in Northeast Wisconsin, you know that it is. Because what’s happening here in this district is that the GOP is moving so far to the right that the people don’t recognize that party anymore. That MAGA extremism does not represent the people of Northeast Wisconsin. That’s our pathway.”
Renee Paplham adds one more fierce lady” to the candidate lineup for Northeast Wisconsin in 2024. Renee Paplham announces her run for Assembly District 1 against incumbent Joel “I’m a vet so I understand mammalian fetal development” Kitchens.” (New Blue Wisco 8th Nominee)
Share the April 4th excitement at Peach Barn and Lawlss Coffee from the photos linked here:

Each of us can make a difference

This is our opportunity. . Show your financial support at

There is a place for your support, your passion and your hope for the future.

Spread the word using Facebook, Instagram and TicTok.

Follow. Share them. Comment. Every day between now and November 5.

Host a Fund-raising Event, help at events.

Volunteer, canvass, write postcards.

Join local political organizations on social media and in your communities.

Deliver or post yard signs, write LTE’s.

What is a friendraiser?

Judy Brodd, Indivisible Door County, and Sherry Mutchler, Democratic Party of Door County, invite you to consider hosting a Friendraiser prior to November 5. Friendraisers are small or large gatherings like Meet and Greets, Coffees, Wine and Cheese, and other events that provide an opportunity to meet the candidates and support their candidacies. Let’s work together to inform every voter in Northeastern Wisconsin about these remarkable women. Please contact Judy at judy@the or Sherry at [email protected] for with an interest in hosting or helping organize a friendraiser.
These women have inspired me. I hope they will inspire you as well.
Signed: incognito
Editor’s Note: The above is informative, timely, thorough, and concise. That is, it is an excellent example of a good article for almost any media. It came to me as an email. The Author does not want the credit, but we could not pass it up.
It is STILL STREAMING as of Dec 10th. Every Democrat should watch it. - - - The film represents THE Trump Story — the story of how we, as a country, arrived at a time that could allow this man to be President. You can VIEW IT on
A letter from DPDC Chair Kris Sadur invites all members of the Democratic Party of Door County to attend a rescheduled Annual Meeting via ZOOM. A date and location for the other half of the storm cancelled Event, the Volunteer Recognition Dinner, have not yet been set. It
In the body of this Event post, is the slate of nominations for Officers of the 2025 Executive Board (Click the headline above to view the slate). Additional nominations can be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting which will be held as a ZOOM meeting starting
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